Patrol Duty - Man Work
The K-9 will master the ability to apprehend a suspect under "normal" conditions and do so while under gunfire. He/she will also master the recall on command, as well as, the protection of the handler. The K-9 Team must document 100 hours of study, training, and practice, or the equivalency prior to evaluation. The completion of this requirement shall be verified and shall bear the signature of the Training Director. The Training Director has the sole discretion to modify this requirement based on a K-9 Team's previous documented history.
The evaluation shall be judged by an Service Dog Association (SDA) certified judge. Each K-9 Team must present an SDA score book prior to the evaluation. The judge shall verify identity of each dog/handler team at the time of the evaluation.
The evaluation shall take place under conditions and on grounds approved by the judge. The PD-MW examination area should be approximately 50 yards (150 feet) x 100 yards (300 feet). Items of distraction, such as (but not limited to), a vehicle, a large drainage pipe, a large box, a blind, & etc., will be present on the examination field and may utilized as part of the examination, The judge shall direct the handler while evaluating the team's performance. Rather than run through each individual exercise, the judge may, at his/her option, combine the various exercises. All PD - Man Work exercises are done on leash. The judge shall give each team a critique and score after completion of their testing.
1.) APPREHENSION: The handler will demonstrate the K-9's ability to apprehend a suspect under "normal" conditions. The K-9 will, on command, pursue and apprehend a fleeing suspect. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
The handler moves to a position approxmately 5 yards (15 feet) from where the K-9 has appredended the suspect. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
Upon command, the K-9 will release and, at the handler's option, the K-9 can return to the handler' side about 5 yards (15 feet) from the apprehended suspect. With the handler and K-9 now a short distance from the suspect, the handler will then command the K-9 into a sit or down guarding position. - or - upon the release the K-9 can stay with apprehended suspect until the handler walks up to the K-9's side. Standing next to his K-9, the handler tells the suspect to take several steps back, approxmately 5 yards (15 feet). The handler will then command his K-9 into a sit or down guarding position.
The K-9 must remain in that guarding position during the handler's search of the suspect. The excercise ends with the handler returning to his K-9 and heeling the K-9 away.
2.) RECALL: The handler will demonstrate the recall of the K-9 from a distance of not less than 20 yards (60 feet). The K-9 will give chase to a fleeing suspect and, on the direction of the judge, the handler will recall the K-9 at a distance on not less than 20 yards (60 feet). Upon receiving "call off" command, the K-9 shall then return to the handler.
3.) GUNFIRE APPREHENSION: The handler will demonstrate the K-9's ability to pursue and apprehend a suspect while under gunfire. The K-9, upon the command of the handler, shall pursue the fleeing suspect. As the K-9 starts in pursuit, the suspect shall stop, turn and fire two quick (blank load) shots. The suspect then throws down the empty gun and charges the oncoming K-9, yelling to intimidate it. The K-9 must apprehend the charging suspect in a face to face confrontation. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
The handler moves to a position approxmately 5 yards (15 feet) from where the K-9 has appredended the suspect. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
Upon command, the K-9 will release and, at the handler's option, the K-9 can return to the handler' side about 5 yards (15 feet) from the apprehended suspect. With the handler and K-9 now a short distance from the suspect, the handler will then command the K-9 into a sit or down guarding position. - or - upon the release the K-9 can stay with apprehended suspect until the handler walks up to the K-9's side. Standing next to his K-9, the handler tells the suspect to take several steps back, approxmately 5 yards (15 feet). The handler will then command his K-9 into a sit or down guarding position.
The K-9 must remain in that guarding position during the handler's search of the suspect. The excercise ends with the handler returning to his K-9 and heeling the K-9 away.
4.) HANDLER PROTECTION: The K-9 must defend the handler against assault. The attack may come during the search - or - from a hiding place. The attacker, armed with a stick, must initially "target" the handler. The K-9 must defend the handler, stopping the attacker. The attacker will take the fight to the K-9, intimidating the K-9 with the stick. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
The handler moves to a position approxmately 5 yards (15 feet) from where the K-9 has appredended the suspect. The suspect will continue to struggle with the K-9 until the suspect is told by the handler to "freeze up".
Upon command, the K-9 will release and, at the handler's option, the K-9 can return to the handler' side about 5 yards (15 feet) from the apprehended suspect. With the handler and K-9 now a short distance from the suspect, the handler will then command the K-9 into a sit or down guarding position. - or - upon the release the K-9 can stay with apprehended suspect until the handler walks up to the K-9's side. Standing next to his K-9, the handler tells the suspect to take several steps back, approxmately 5 yards (15 feet). The handler will then command his K-9 into a sit or down guarding position.
The K-9 must remain in that guarding position during the handler's search of the suspect. The excercise ends with the handler returning to his K-9 and heeling the K-9 away.
The K-9 Dog/Handler Team that successfully demonstrates their ability to pass each segment of this evaluation shall be awarded the SDA, 'Patrol Duty - Man Work', or PD-MW title.